Digit span psychology definition
Digit span psychology definition

digit span psychology definition

Some psychologists make the distinction between simple memory span tasks (e.g., the digit span task) and complex memory span tasks.

digit span psychology definition

For example, one might hold a digit sequence in immediate memory while performing computations on it. It is possible to think of immediate memory as a component of working memory. Working memory refers to the ability to actively manipulate information in immediate memory. A version of this task, the digit span task, is a component of many present-day memory assessment batteries such as the Wechsler scale (described below). The maximum length that a person can consistently report is the person’s memory span. The sequences begin small (e.g., 3-8-4) and are increased in size until they reach a length that consistently exceeds the person’s reporting capacity. In this test, a person is given a sequence of items (such as digits) to report in the order in which they were presented. The earliest known assessment of immediate memory is the “memory span test” developed in 1887. Immediate memory is distinct from long-term memory, which is the ability to store information for later use, often over extremely long periods such as weeks, months, or years. This ability is demonstrated when one remembers a phone number long enough to make a call. Often termed short-term memory, immediate memory refers to the ability to hold information in consciousness. At the end, it describes several full-length memory assessment measures. This entry reviews several types of memory and explains the different ways that they are assessed. Many assessment measures exist, and commonly used assessment procedures contain multiple subcomponents, each aimed at assessing a particular type of memory. For that reason, psychologists do not rely on a single procedure for assessing memory. Furthermore, one aspect of memory can be impaired while another remains intact. Instead, memory consists of a coordinated collection of processes and abilities that work together to enable individuals’ day-to-day functioning. Psychological research has shown that memory is not a unitary construct.

Digit span psychology definition