Humpty dumpty origin
Humpty dumpty origin

Humpty-Dumpty also appears as an important character in the novellas “Through the Looking-Glass”, and “What Alice Found There” by Lewis Carroll which were sequels to the famous “Alice in Wonderland”. Some historians have even suggested that “ Humpty-Dumpty” was a snide reference to the monarch Richard III of England. The solution to the riddle is that the character in question signifies an “egg”. Some people believe that it is not a mere rhyme but a riddle. Since the word has evolved to signify a person in general and then a person in specific. The word “ Humpty-Dumpty” first appears in the 17 th century to signify a type of alcoholic drink. The exact origin of the character of Humpty-Dumpty is not well known but it is very popular as a character in nursery rhyme which reads as followsĪll the king's horses and all the king's men “ Humpty-Dumpty” is a very popular nursery rhyme. Nursey rhymes as an art form is simplified so that a child in kindergarten can understand and learn using the rhymes. It involves creative writing, singing, and acting. Nursery rhymes represent the simplest and most innocent form of performance art. In this article, we will explain the reasons for the same. Our theory is that we believe that “ Humpty-Dumpty” suffered from Cushing syndrome. Our proposition has great potential to be used as a “memory tool” for medical students and students of biology. In this article, we have attempted to explain a well-known endocrine disorder with a famous nursery rhyme very popular amongst the children. We carefully and scientifically dissected the story behind the character to generate a possible endocrine explanation to explain his malady. In our previous article on “Endocrinology and art” we had discussed that the great mythical character of “Kumbhakarna” suffered from a possible disorder of the hypothalamus. We have modified this adage to say, “A story is worth a thousand pages of a text”. The famous idiom, “A picture is worth a thousand words” has stood the test of time. It is well known, that “stories” and “art” help a person remember better compared to plain text. Though primarily defined to improve the doctor-patient relationship, we believe that a “good story” or a narration is also a powerful and effective way of learning medicine. Narrative competence is defined by Rita Charon as, “the ability to acknowledge, absorb, interpret, and act on the stories and plights of others”. “Narrative medicine” is a branch of medicine that deals with narrative competence.

Humpty dumpty origin