Map of the middle east
Map of the middle east

map of the middle east map of the middle east

Notable Landmarks Map configuration Game Modes The map is referred to as "Syria" in the game files, heavily implying the map is set in / inspired by the country. The tank battles map is 2km x 2km, restricted to 1.3km x 1.3km in battle. There is a military area in the north of the town, with a radio tower and watch tower, which is sometimes used as a capture zone. Paved roads provide quicker access to the industrial complex and the east / west of the map, but leave the player extremely exposed, so should usually be avoided. The north of the town starts to open up into the desert, and is visible to tanks in sniping positions in the northeast and northwest of the map. A capture point is sometimes located at a fuel station in the south of the town. The hills in the south provide a location to shoot down into the town, although is more limited than the locations in the north. They can sit in the sections and use their binoculars to spot enemy tanks, while not being visible to enemy tanks. Two underground sections, like the one in the north, provide a good opportunity for scout vehicles. Fightning usually takes place at short range around the buildings / in the streets and there are plenty of places players can hide among the rubble to set up ambushes. The south of the map consists of a heavily damaged, war-torn, town. A thick line of rocks to the north of the complex provides a route where players can advance, safe from enemy fire, and shoot at tanks on the hills after that they can enter the complex and attack enemy players from unexpected angles. Combat tends to take place a short - medium range however hills and rocks in both the east and west of the map other a location for longer range engagements, providing strong positions for tanks to shoot down into the complex, or across the map at the enemy tanks on the opposing hill. The underground area is also often used as a capture point. In order for enemy tanks to kill a player in this area they must drive down into it this situation heavily favours the defending player. In the middle of the complex there is an underground area, which provides cover from the air and enemy tanks. The north of map consists of an industrial complex with several damaged large buildings, and large oil tanks.

map of the middle east

Covers the area from western Libya through eastern India. The map is set in modern times, with satellite dishes on the roofs of buildings and modern looking cars in the town. Our physical-political wall map of the Middle East is a great aid for lessons and discussions. The map is set around a war-torn town in the Middle East nearly every building on the map has received some damage, with many being largely destroyed.


A modified version was later released in Update 1.75 "La Résistance" as a map for ground forces battles. It first appeared, temporarily, as a map for the 2017 April Fools event. Check out our blog for some crypto-related data visualizations.Middle East is a map available for ground forces. My latest project, Elementus, aims to bring transparency to the cryptocurrency market.

  • Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies: Tunisia.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies: Yemen and Libya.
  • Washington Institute / David Pollock: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Egypt.
  • Pew Research Center: Nigeria, Malasia, Senegal, Pakistan, Turkey, Burkina Faso, Palestine, Indonesia, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon.
  • Since no discussion about the Middle East is complete without considering religion, this map shows how the region’s religious groups are distributed, as well as each religion’s comparative share:Ī high resolution version of the map is available on the Gulf/2000 Project website. Michael Izady, who maintains the Gulf/2000 Project, an extensive collection of maps and statistics covering the Gulf region. This map comes from Columbia University’s Dr.

    Map of the middle east